Relative Clauses

Relative clauses, also known as adjective clauses, are one of the various types of clauses in English grammar. They are used to give additional information about a noun, expand on its meaning, or help to identify it. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept, usage, rules, and types of relative clauses.

Table of Contents

What are Relative Clauses?

A relative clause is a clause that describes a noun, making it ‘relative’ to that noun. It can either define or give additional information about the noun. These types of clauses are introduced by a relative pronoun, a relative adverb, or a zero relative.

A relative clause can be either restrictive (also known as defining) or non-restrictive (also called non-defining).


Relative Pronouns and Their Usage

Relative pronouns are words like 'who', 'which', 'that', etc. They are used to introduce a relative clause.




Defining Relative Clauses

Defining relative clauses (also called essential relative clauses) are clauses that give essential information about the noun they refer to. We cannot understand the sentence without this information. They don’t need to be separated by commas.


Non-defining Relative Clauses

Non-defining relative clauses provide extra information about the noun. This 'extra' information can be left out without changing the overall meaning of the sentence. These types of clauses are usually separated by commas.


Zero Relatives

In some situations, the relative pronoun can be left out when it is the object of the clause.


Tips for Using Relative Clauses

While making sentences, it is common to face some confusion about when to use commas and when not to. Here are some tips:

  1. While using non-defining relative clauses, always separate the clause with commas, as it is additional information.
  2. While using defining relative clauses, do not use commas, as this information is essential to the meaning of the sentence.

Relative clauses are crucial for improving the richness and precision of our language expression. Practicing identifying and using them correctly will enhance your communication skills significantly. This comprehensive guide should be a good starting point to grasp the rules of constructing sentences with relative clauses.


In conclusion, relative clauses are an exceptional tool to create more detailed and specific sentences. Correct usage enhances your language abilities and makes your communication clearer and more effective. Take your time to master their use, practice consistently, and you will see significant improvement.