A cover letter serves as a tool for you to present yourself to an interviewer and make a favorable impression about your skills and personality outside of your resume. A cover letter can be more personable than a resume, and may serve to present your personality better than a resume. Often, an impressive cover letter will increase a potential employer's desire to more seriously read your resume. Conversely, a poorly written cover letter can discourage an employer from taking your resume seriously. The following information and format is essential to a good cover letter.
Print your cover letter and resume in black ink, on neutral colored bond paper.
Single space within paragraphs, double space between paragraphs. Text should not exceed four inches and three paragraphs.
Follow professional business protocol for address on left margin, just above the salutation.
The cover letter should always be written and addressed to the person most likely to conduct the interview for the job. Avoid using "Dear Sir/Ma'am" or "Dear Gentleman." The salutation should be typed two spaces below the last line of the inside address. Leave two spaces between the salutation and the first line of the first paragraph.
The goal of the first paragraph is to entice your reader to read further. Because employers will make quick judgments, a good opening line is essential. Try providing the name of a person you know affiliated with the company who recommended that you apply, or write something interesting about the company you are interviewing with obtained from an article, the news, etc. Showing interest in the employer instead of yourself is a good approach to take. Your opening paragraph should also state your objective regarding the position you seek.
This section should be devoted to telling the prospective employer why you are interested in a position with their firm. Explain briefly what contributions you can make and what qualifications, experiences, or personal qualities you posses that would make you a valuable employee. List your qualifications by using specific examples of your achievements to avoid vague generalities about your experiences or qualifications.
Just as the opening paragraph is important with respect to encouraging the employer to read on, the closing paragraph must propel the potential employer to take action with respect to your application. In this paragraph, note that you are enclosing a resume and express your desire to meet in the near future the person to whom you are writing. Close the letter by thanking them for their consideration in order to express gratitude to the employer for taking time to read your letter. After the closing line, skip two lines, include a closing remark such as, "sincerely", skip four more lines, type your name and then sign the letter! Remember to list your address below your name if it isn't elsewhere on your stationery.
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