Child Care

The Child Care space types, described herein, are the facilities required for child care services permitted within federal facilities. The intention of high quality federal child care is to allow employees to respond to their dual work and family responsibilities effectively to the benefit of both families and the government as employer. A licensed child care center is a facility, other than a private residence, approved and licensed by a state or other applicable local authority where a person, other than a relative or guardian, is compensated to provide care and supervision for 4 or more children under 7 years of age for less than 24 hours a day. A "small" center is one which is licensed for less than 60 children, while a "large" one is licensed for more than 94 children. Child Care space types include additional support and space sub-types, including toilets, food preparation and service, office space, and meeting space, as well as security features required in compliance with codes and regulations.

Adult observing a girl and a boy in a classroom setting

Space Attributes

Child Care spaces should be secure environments that provide a variety of learning experiences and meet the physical needs of the children. See WBDG Child Development Centers for more information on the unique attributes of spaces designed for child development and care. Typical features of Child Care space types include the list of applicable design objectives elements as outlined below. For a complete list and definitions of the design objectives within the context of whole building design, click on the titles below.


child in a wheelchair accessible swing

Accessible swing for wheelchair users.
Photo Credit:

Functional / Operational

Playground surfaced with poured-in-place rubber and rubber mats

playground with a mix of sand play area, hard surface zone, and gross motor skills area

Playground surfaced with poured-in-place rubber and rubber mats.

This playground offers a mix of sand play area, hard surface zone, and gross motor skills area.

Occupancy: Occupancy Group Classification is Educational Occupancy E as sub-occupancy with Business B2 Building Occupancy, with sprinklered construction. See also WBDG Secure / Safe—Fire Protection.


Secure / Safe


Example Program

The following building program is representative of Child Care center space types and is based on the ratios prescribed in the PBS-140 Child Care Center Design Guide. The center described below included provisions for 86 children.


Tenant Occupiable Areas
Qty. SF Each Space Req'd. Sum Actual SF Tenant Usable Factor Tenant USF
Staff and Parent Areas 1,140
Public Area
Vestibule 1 60 60
Reception 1 100 100
Staff Area
Director's Office 1 150 150
Assistant's Workstation 1 80 80
Sick Bay 1 80 80
Staff Lounge/Work 1 200 200
Parent/Staff Conference 2 100 200
Adult Toilet 2 60 120
Central Storage 1 150 150
Service Areas 560
Laundry 1 100 100
Warming/Central Kitchen 1 300 300
Janitor's Closet 1 80 80
Telephone Closet 1 80 80
Common Spaces 1,000
Multiple Purpose Space 1 800 800
Play Yard Storage 1 200 200
Classrooms 7,200
Infant Classroom (8) 1 900 900
Younger Toddler Classroom (12) 2 1,060 2,120
Younger Toddler Restroom 2 40 80
Older Toddler Classroom (14) 1 1,060 1,060
Older Toddler Restroom 1 40 40
Preschool Classroom (20) 1 1,440 1,440
Preschool Restroom 1 60 60
After School Classroom (20) 1 1,440 1,440
After School Restroom 1 60 60
Outside Areas
Staff Parking 18 300 5,400
Parent Drop Off/Parking 10 300 3,000
Entrance Porch 1 400 400
Play Yard Porches 4 400 1,600
Play Yards 4 1,500 6,000
Tenant Suite 9,900 9,900 1.17 11,612
Subtotal Tenant Usable Areas 11,612

Example Plans

The following diagram is representative of typical tenant plans.

Diagram of tenant plans for child care space type, ground plan

Example Construction Criteria

For GSA, the unit costs for child care space types are based on the construction quality and design features in the following table . This information is based on GSA's benchmark interpretation and could be different for other owners.

Relevant Codes and Standards

The following agencies and organizations have developed codes and standards affecting the design of child care centers. Note that the codes and standards are minimum requirements. Architects, engineers, and consultants should consider exceeding the applicable requirements whenever possible.

Additional Resources

Organizations and Associations
